Support Dedicated Women's Training

Our Women’s Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class provides a specialized environment tailored for women to hone their skills, foster camaraderie, and bolster self-assurance. In this dedicated session, you’ll engage in focused training while being part of a close-knit, supportive community.

Duration60 minutes
Fitness & SkillAll Levels
RestrictionWomen Only

Strength in Sisterhood:Quality Training for Women

Step into a space specially curated for women, blending the rigors of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with the supportive energy of an all-female cohort. From beginners seeking foundational skills to experienced practitioners, our class offers a nurturing environment to grow, bond, and excel. Join a sisterhood on the mats and be part of this empowering journey.

Meet our Women'sBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu Trainers

Fully dedicated & skilled trainers.

Can I still doregular classes?

Most of the ladies in the women’s class will be part of the regular Adults BJJ program. This offering is to give the female members of the gym their own time and place to practice with each other.

Who Instructsthe Women's Class?

We’re currently looking for instructors. The plan is to find the right instructor, likely a male, for the first year, until we have enough women trained to run classes without any additional support.

Can Men joinor watch?

The purpose of this is to give women their own comfortable environment to practice BJJ, so we don’t want guests or spectators in the gym at this time.

Are you interested?Pre-register for this class

Show your support for Women’s BJJ in Steven’s County by filling out the form below.

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